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Shane's Cancer Resolutions for 2020
Healing yourself from the Tumultuous Trajectory of Overcoming Cancer means Sharing your Cancer Experience.
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I have just recently been diagnosed with Bladder Cancer in December 2016. It has dramatically changed my Outlook on Life, Health and Well being. I have never Smoked Cigarettes or consumed large amount of Alcohol in my life. So how and why I managed to have Cancer may have largely depended on a combined number of Factors that have increased it's probability of contracting Cancer.

Considering the extent of my disposition, I was relatively diagnosed early, having no symptoms whatsoever, only on one occasion, mid December 2016. I went to the toilet to urinate and low and behold there was Traces of Blood in my Urine. I immediately thought that I must have a Urine Infection, because there was no other telltale symptoms to suggest otherwise. But erring to the side of caution, I mentioned it to my wife, Maree. So at first we Googled the Prognosis on Google. The results were stipulating to a Cancerous Diagnosis.

I made an appointment to see my GP. After having completed an MRI Scan that determined that it was Bladder Cancer. My Lifestyle was catapulted into a State of Heightened Awareness, until a conclusion was devised by the Cancer Specialists to eradicate the Cancer Completely by performing a Neo-Bladder Reconstruction. After two TURBT resections to remove the Tumour. A final Relook Transurethral Resection of the Bladder six weeks after my final TURBT revealed that the Microbial Cancer had quickly regenerated in the Bladder Lining once again. Classifying the Bladder Cancer as High Grade, with the high probability of it being Muscle Inducive over a short period of time.

Because of the heightened Fear and lack of Knowledge about my Cancerous Predicament. My first reactions were avoidance and disassociation of reality. I think I automatically catapulted myself into a state of Fear and dread about my immediate Future. But as I required knowledge and information about my Cancerous predicament.

The state of my outlook turned from avoidance and disassociation to Acceptance and understanding. The creative thinking & learning process helped me endure the reality of what I had to go through in the initial stages of Cancer Diagnosis.

Knowledge, endurance, determination and strength has Pre-Empted a successful outcome, concerning the Post Operative Therapy surrounding a Neo-Bladder Reconstruction.

The Gold Treatment for High Grade Bladder Cancer is Bladder Removal. Given my Age, Health and Fitness levels, the Specialists propositioned towards a Neo-Bladder Reconstruction. The Post Therapy Treatment entails a dialog of Therapies and capabilities to once again retrain the New Bladder into a normal daily function of Normality.

Nevertheless, from my early view point of contraction, my assessment of mulling over how I managed to contract Cancer is merely a waste of Time and Energy. Focusing on Therapy and future Management is a Positive Outlook bringing together a Fruition of Positive Scenarios and Coping Skills that will enable you to stay focused, maintain a Healthy Lifestyle enabling a Positive End Result, not only for yourself, but for all people that are associated to you in one way or another. Be it Family, Friends or Work Colleges.

Orthotopic neobladder reconstruction is becoming an increasingly common urinary diversion following cystectomy for bladder cancer. This is in recognition of the potential benefits of neobladder surgery over creation of an ileal conduit(Urine Bag) related to quality of life (QoL), such as avoiding the need to form a stoma with its cosmetic, psychological and other potential complications.


The PubMed database was searched using relevant search terms for articles published electronically between January 1994 and April 2014. Full-text articles in English or with English translation were assessed for relevance to the topic before being included in the review. Patients with neobladders have comparable or better post-operative sexual function than those with ileal conduits(Urine Bag).


They also have comparable QoL to those with ileal conduits. Orthotopic neobladder is a good alternative to ileal conduit in suitable patients who do not want a stoma and are motivated to comply with neobladder training. However, the selection of a neobladder as the urinary diversion of choice requires that patients have good renal and liver functions and are likely to be compliant with neobladder training.


With benefits also come potential risks of neobladder formation. These include electrolyte abnormalities and nocturnal incontinence. This short review highlights current aspects of neobladder formation and its potential advantages.

Shane's Progress Review : Tuesday 25th December 2018

My Neo-Bladder reconstruction occurred on the 23th June 2017

It has been 550 days past since the operation at the Brisbane Mater Hospital.

Dr Adrian Clubb & Dr Roger Watson were the Leading Urology Specialists in the Neo-Bladder Surgery Reconstruction.

I contracted secondary Lymphoedema through the Partial removal of my Pelvic Lymph Nodes for Cancer Biopsy. The results were Zero Cancer Status, which meant that the Cancer was treated early before it could spread to the Circulatory System onto other Organs. So with all due respect, luckily I had early warning signs (Blood in the Urine) to signify of an impending Danger Close Situation.

With Lymphoedema Exercise, Management and returning back to work on a daily basis. My Lymphoedema ailment is virtual Null & Void with only occasional minor swelling

around the lower leg extremities (Ankles).

At this point in time I am still Incontinent at night, sleeping in a single bed with Water Proof Linings. During the day I virtually have no Incontinence at all, which I have managed through with daily Pelvic Floor Exercises

But as I progress through Incontinence, I am finding the each morning when I get out of bed the Water Proof Lining Sheets are slowly becoming lighter with less Urine being excreted during the night while I am asleep.

I am hoping that in another 6 to 12 Months I may be total Continent at night and begin the reap the rewards of having a Good Night Sleep.

Good News, my first Incontinence total Free Night occurred on the 21st Dec 2019.

914 days after my Prostactectomy and Neo-Bladder Reconstruction of the 23rd June 2017.

I underwent a GA Cystoscopy + Bilateral Retrograde Pyelogram on Thu 19th Dec 2019.

I then started my first Self-Catheterization Night Time regime, on the 20th Dec 2019, then on the 21st Dec 2019, I achieved my first free night Incontinence Sleep.

My first Self-Catheterization was a fairly new and frightening experience, but luckily I had some lovely Nurses, at Brisbane Mater to guide and assist in my First Self-Catheterization Exercise.


Over time, though, I found it easier to self-Catheterize by relaxing the Sphincter Muscles that control Urine Flow at the base of the Neo-Bladder. Hygiene is a major issue with

Self-Catheterization, which the Neo-Bladder in commonly susceptible to Urine Infections

Self-Catheterization is a good exercise, not only in releasing Retention in the Neo-Bladder, but also a critical Exercise in Hygiene, which may reduce the Urine Infections and Increase Urine Flow Rates. Even the slightest noticeable decrease in Urine Flow outage Rates can signal the onset of another Urine Infection.

Brisbane Mater Hospital Urology Specialist Unit WebPage .


             Dr Roger Watson

             Dr Adrian Clubb


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