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Climate Change : Risk of War

The heatwaves, droughts and other natural disasters expected to increase because of global warming are helping to push countries into armed conflict, particularly those already split along ethnic lines. Once Nations struggle under limited and over burdening Resources that impede the Basic Amenities to exist and nurture Governmental Protocol. They may literally protect their Borders and resources through Military Intervention.

Heatwaves, droughts and other severe weather events are increasing the risk of wars breaking out across the world, scientists say they have proved.

The researchers carried out a statistical analysis of the outbreak of armed conflicts and climate-related natural disasters between 1980 and 2010.

Their findings – that nearly one in four conflicts in ethnically divided countries coincided with “climatic calamities” – suggest that war should be added to the usual list of problems likely to be caused by global warming, such as sea level rise, crop failures, water shortages and floods.

Environmentalists have warned that if temperatures rise significantly over the next century, large areas of the planet could become uninhabitable, forcing millions of people to migrate elsewhere and significantly increase the risk of conflicts breaking out.

But the new research, by academics in Germany, found there was already a statistical link between outbreaks of widespread violence and extreme weather events.

Dr Carl Schleussner, of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, said: “Devastating climate-related natural disasters have a disruptive potential that seems to play out in ethnically fractionalised societies in a particularly tragic way.

“Climate disasters are not directly triggering conflict outbreak, but may enhance the risk of a conflict breaking out which is rooted in context-specific circumstances. As intuitive as this might seem, we can now show this in a scientifically sound way.”

The idea of linking conflict to natural disasters has been controversial. Some previous studies which compared wars to temperature, for example, did not find a link.

However for this study, described in a paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences journal, the researchers used data from international reinsurance firm Munich Re.

This was then combined with information about conflicts and an index used to quantify how “ethnically fractionalised” countries are.

Globally, there was a nine per cent coincidence rate between the outbreak of armed conflicts and natural disasters like droughts and heatwaves. But, in countries that were deeply divided along ethnic lines, this rose to about 23 per cent.


Humans will be extinct in 100 years because the planet will be uninhabitable, said the late Australian microbiologist Frank Fenner, one of the leaders in the effort to eradicate smallpox during the 1970s. He blamed overcrowding, denuded resources and climate change.


Fenner’s prediction, made in 2010, is not a sure bet, but he is correct that there is no way emissions reductions will be enough to save us from our trend toward doom. And there doesn’t seem to be any big global rush to reduce emissions, anyway. When the G7 called on Monday for all countries to reduce carbon emissions to zero in the next 85 years, the scientific reaction was unanimous: That’s far too late.

Humans may well imprison themselves in a Global Turmoil of Limited Resources and options thus increasing the threat of military intervention to sustain their Populace.

Mad Max Scenarios of Uncertainty

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