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About 250 Million Years ago, nearly all life on Earth suddenly died. One expert believes the die-off - which killed 90 percent of all species and is known as the End-Permian Extinction Event. Happening just over the COURSE of just 100,000 Years. but until now, most hypotheses about what caused it have seemed like pure speculation, Asteroids,Volcanoes and Massive Coal Fires among them.

A new theory, published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, offers a different conclusion. And it's one most people have some familiarity with : Climate Change caused by Green House Gases.. Without Humans around to spur it on, however, the Scientists behind the research needed a new culprit. They found their suspect in tiny Microbes called Methanosarcina . Through metabolism, these microscopic organisms emit-enormous amounts of Methane, which is extremely effective at trapping heat in the atmosphere. Volanic Activity may be accountable to rapid change in Climate 250 Million Years ago spewing out poisonous gases that were trapped by the atmosphere.


The Industrial Evolution - Human Activity can be accounted for as a Global Volcano spewing out Toxins and changing the atmosphereic conditions. Hence the terminology of the Holocene Extinction Scenario.

The Holocene Extinction Scenario - A slow process of Species and Flora Extinction brought on by the onset of Human Activity . When Humans slowly changed from Hunter Gatherer providers to Cultivation Settlers .

Earth's Sixth Extinction Event

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