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Barack Obarma Historic Paris Climate Change Agreement Blog :

President Obarma : Historic Paris Climate Change Agreement :

We offer our condolences to the people of France for the barbaric attacks on this beautiful city. We stand united in solidarity not only to deliver justice to the terrorist network responsible for this attacks but to protect our people and uphold the enduring value that keeps us strong and free. And we salute the people of France for insisting this crucial conference go on -- an act of defiance that proves nothing will deter us from building the future we want for our children. What great rejection of those who would tear down our world than marshaling our best efforts to save it?.

Nearly 200 nations have assembled -- a declaration that for all the challenges we face, the growing threat of Climate Change could define the contours of this century more dramatically than any other. What should give up hope that this is the turning point, that this is the moment we finally determined we would save our Planet, is the fact that our nations share a sense of urgency about this challenge and a growing realization that it is within our power to do something about it.

Our understanding of the ways human beings disrupt the climate advances by the day. Fourteen of the fifteen warmest years on record have occurred since the year 2000 -- and 2015 to 16 is on pace to be the warmest years of all. No Nation -- Large or small, wealthy or poor -- is immune to what this means.

The magnitude of impact caused by Global Climate Change can be viewed as an Entity of Destruction for the current status of the Global Village.

Humanity may ultimately have to unify all it's resources as a Positive Entity to neutralize the Negative Entity of Climate Change destruction.

The ubiquitous impact of a unified Global Village will impede the onset of a Tipping Point Scenario. A trajectory where Earth's life support elements could alternate to a No Return Solution. Changing forever, life on Planet Earth.

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