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SPREP : Voice of the Pacific and the Paris Climate Change Agreement Blog :

SPREP : Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environmental Programme.

The Voice of the Pacific and the Paris Agreement.

The Agreement includes several key elements that are of particular importance to the Pacific Region, including recognition for pursuing a temperature goal of 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre industrial levels, a strengthened mechanism for loss and damages, and the provisions for scaled up and simplified access to Climate Finance for small island developing states. Mr David Sheppard, Director of the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP), commended the leadership and tireless efforts of the Pacific Leaders in Paris who were truly inspirational throughout the Cop 21.

"Unfortunately, the Pacific region has one on the highest rates of species loss in a global context, with hundreds of species still under threat" - Mr Stuart Chape, director of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Management, SPREP.

"For many species, action at the national level is not enough - regional and global linkages are critical to support national Action", he added.

Many of the issues relating to species conservation and sustainable use are regional and global in scope. Today the ever-growing global demand for wildlife and wild products is threatening the survival of many Pacific Species, especial Sharks.

The illegal trade in wildlife may decimate already endangered species to extinction.

Sharks especially, classed as Apex Species, reducing their numbers will nullify the Trophic Food Web Cycle and the biodiversity that evolved ecologically to sustain hierarchy of Apex Species.

The process may eventually neutralize and weaken the environment to extinction, if humans are left to their devices of illegal pillage and trade.

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