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Historic Paris Agreement on Climate Change on Earth Day Blog :

A historic meeting took place on April 22, 2016 as more than 155 countries have committed to sign the Paris Agreement on Climate Change at the Headquarters of the United Nations (UN) in New York. The Agreement was approved by the 196 Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention of the Climate Change (UNFCCC) in COP21 in Paris on December 12, 2015. In the agreement, all countries pledge to work to limit the temperature rise overall below 2 degrees Celsius, but are aiming to achieve a temperature rise below 1.5 degrees Celsius.

Signing of Climate Change Agreement coincide with International Earth Day Celebration.

This year's Earth Day coincides with the ceremony of the signing of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change.

In 2009 the UN General Assembly decided to designate April 22 as International Mother Earth Day, with the resolution A/RES/63/278. Representatives at the meeting acknowledged that Mother Earth is a common expression for the Planet Earth in a number of countries and regions, and that this demonstrates the interdependence between human beings, other living species and the planet we all inhabit, and noting that Earth Day is observed each year in many countries.

By 2016 the theme chosen is : Trees for Earth. In the United States, Earth Day was first celebrated in 1970 and is organised by the Earth Day Network whose mission is to broaden and diversify the Environmental Movement worldwide and mobilize as the most effective vehicle for building a healthy, sustainable environment, tackling Climate Change and protecting the Earth for future generations.

The Global Paris Agreement is a positive step in the right direction for all Humanity . The Earth's current Environmental Status is a reciprocation of Humanity's devastating impact on Planet Earth. Alternating Humanity's activity to a positive role in Environmental Protection and sustainability can only reciprocate a Positive Outcome for all Ecosystems and Species that Inhabit our Planet Mother Earth.

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