Shane Partridge Mathematics
Basic Computer Programming Language

The Program Prints the ASCII Keyboard Characters.
The Computer's Flow cycle is executed by the [ Do / Until ] Statement situated on Line [4] and [12]
The Program incorporates the [ Key Function ] in Line [5] . Variable K is assigned to Key Function.
Situated inside the [ Do / Until ] Statements are two Nested [ If Then / If End ] Statements.
These Statements execute the Command flow of the Program.
Line 7. K is evaluated by the [If Then/End If] Statement . If the Key being press falls between the Parameters
of the Computers Keyboard ASCII Setting which is [ chr(32) and chr(127) ] The key being pressed will display the
ASCII Code reference associated with the Key. Line [8] Commands this Function.
Line 10. displays the actual Key [ k ] being executed by the Keyboard.
Line 12 . End the computers Dialog if the [ asc("Q") ] Returns the String Value of Letter Q for Quite.
If [ Q ] is entered into the Keyboard then [ Do/Until ] Statement will flow to the next Line to End Program.