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Simultaneous Equation

Equate either Like Terms X or Y to 

equal Zero.


Hence 2 x (2) - 3 x (1) corresponds to

the [y] Terms.


Thus 2 x (2) - 3 x (1) Equates the [y] Term

on both Equations to Zero.


Thus the Nullified Term is used

throughout the Equation.

Nullify Either Term X or Y .

Thus in this case [t] is Evaluated to 0.

Using 2 x (2) - 3 x (1) 

Simultaneous Equation

Upon Nullify [y] Term to Zero.

Correspondly Equate the [x] Term using

2 x (2) - 3 x (1) that Nullified [y] term

to Zero.

Thus the Equation is (-5x)

Simultaneous Equation

Corresponding equate both of the sums

of the Equations.

[0] and [5] using same Terminology.

2 x (2) - 3 x (1)

Thus the Sum is [10]

Simultaneous Equation

Upon achieving the Values ......................

[-5x] and 10 .

Find the Value of [x].

Therefore [x]=[-2]

Simultaneous Equation

Once the Value of [x] is determined

which equates to [-2]

Use the Like Terms Associations of 

Either Equation to find the Value [y].


In this case the Second Equation is used.

Deciphering by using Like Terms

Association .

[y]=Value of [3].

Simultaneous Equation

Therefore Completing the Equations.

[x]=[-2] and [y]=[3].




Then check both of the Equations to

verify that the Values attained are

verfified by the Simultaneous equations.

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