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Basic Computer Programming Language

Read & Data Programming Statements

Validated by If Test Than Statement

5 'Rem Program [1]

10 Read AGE

20 If Age > 18 then 99

30 Print AGE      'Rem Variable not under Validation Line 20

40 Goto 10

60 Data 17 , 1 , 12 , 15

99 End


This Loop begins with a Read Statement, because the GOTO Statement at the end of the Loop always branches to Line 10. The READ Statement initializes and modifies the value of Variable AGE.

But does not Test the Variable.

So when the Program Runs :






Out of Data in Line 10  : Error command

Breaching Out of Data Error Code.


The same Loop is better designed as follows in the below Program

5 'Rem Program [2]

10 Read AGE

20 if AGE > 18 Then 99

30 Print AGE

40 Read AGE   'Rem Variable under Validation of Line 20

50 Goto 20

60 Data 17 , 1 , 12 , 15, 20

99 End

Note Line 40 Reads the Data inside the For Next Loop Execution.

As opposed to the First Program.

The AGE Variable is then Validated by the If Test Then Statement.

Omitting any Out of Data Error Commands as in Program [1]

Line 10 Read AGE Reads the first Data Value. But line 40 continues on

reading inside the For Next Loop Statement under Validation.


The Data in Line 60 Validated by Line 20 through the Read command

of Line 40 . When run command is executed No out of Data Error is

Code is Breached

So when Run command is Executed







Prompt Execution of If Then Test Statements and

Read and Data Command Functions



2 'Rem For/Next Loop Statement

5' Rem Also Classified as the Self-Increment Type Loop

10 Sum = 0

20 For I = 1 to 10

30 Read Number

40 Sum = Sum + Number  'Concatenation or Incrementation

50 Next I

60 Print Sum

70 Data 4 , 15 , 72 , 80 , 6 , 29 , 34 , 42 , 96 , 9

99 End


Execute Run Command.




When the program is executed, the Numeric Data is line 70 is

incremented Line 40 - Sum = Sum + Number . 

Line 30 Executes the Read Function while Line 40 Increments the

Read Variable [Number]


The Limit of the Loop is Classified by Line 20 For I = 1 to 10

The Loop is then returned by Line 50 Next I.

Once Line 50 Next I  - Has Reached Value of 10 Then line control

drops to Line 60 to Print Sum Variable.





For/Next Loop Statement - Self Incrementing Type Loop.

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