Shane Partridge Mathematics
Basic Computer Programming Language

Incrementing and Decrementing Percentage Calculus.
The Program is divided into Two Subroutines [IncrementCalculs] and [DecrementCalulus]
The Main Menu Function is from [Line 7] to [Line 12]
These are activated by [Goto] Program Flow Control Command .
Line 10 to 12 Activated by If Test Then Functions .
The First [Goto] Program Flow Command Routine is from
Line [13] to Line [24] Exiting from the Routine is a [If Test Then Statement] Line [24]
Line [24] If RS = 1 Then goto [Restart] Else Goto [Quit] - Ending Program.
The Second [Goto] Program Flow Control Command is the same orientation as the First Routine.
Line [18] and [29] are the Variable Valculus Functions that Excute the Input of Numeric Values.
Line [35] Uses a String$ Variable to Inplement the [If Test Then Function]
The Program executed a sequencial proceedure in the Incrementing and Decrementing Calculus.
The CHR$(7) - ASCII Code
Displays a Graphical Cursor before each Print Line.