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Shane Partridge
Solar System Cosmos
Extraterrestrial Life in the Cosmos
[1] Search for Extraterrestrial
A Philosphical Inquiry based on the Holistic
Assumptions in the Vastness of the Cosmos.
[2] Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence.
The Development and Testing of Hypotheses on
Extraterrestrial Life is known as Exobiology or
Astrobiology. Many Scientists consider Extraterrestrial Life to be Plausible, but there is
no direct evidence of it's existence.
[1] Dangers of Artificial Intelligence
[2] 10 Things you may not know about Stephen Hawking
[3] Stephen Hawking on One Direction
Sydney Opera House
[4] Bill Gates : Dangers of
Artificial Intelligence
[5] The Future of Artificial Intelligence and the Human Race
[6] The Future of Artificial Intelligence
[7] The Future Design of Robotics
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