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The Grand Design

According to the Traditional conception of the Universe, objects move on a well-defined path and have definite histories. We can specify their precise position at each moment in time. Although that account is successful enough for everyday purposes, it was found in the 1920's that this "Classical" picture could not account for the seemingly bizarre behaviour observed on the Atomic and Subatomic Scales of Existence.


Instead is was necessary to adopt a different framework, called "QUANTUM PHYSICS". Quantum Physic Theories have turned out remarkable accurate at predicting events based on Atomic and Subatomic Scales, while also reproducing the predictions of the old Classical Theories when applied to the Microscopic World of daily life.


The most intuitive description was given by Richard Feynman, according to Feynman, a system has not just one History but "Every Possible History".


Until the event of Modern Physics it was generally thought that all, knowledge of the World could be obtained through direct Observation, that things are what they seem, as percieved through our senses. The naive view of Reality therefore is not compatible with Modern Physics. To deal with such Paradoxes we shall adopt an approach that we call "Model Dependent Realism". It is based on the idea that our Brains interpret the input from our sensory Organs by making a Model of the World.


When such a Model is successful at explaining events, we tend to attribute to it, and to the Elements and Concepts that constitute it, the Quality or Absolute Truth. In the History of Science we have discovered a sequence of better and better theories or Models, from Plato to the Classical theory of Newton to Modern Quantum Theories.


It is natural to ask : will this sequence eventually reach an end point, an Ultimate theory of the Universe, that will include all forces and predict every observation we make, or will we continue forevever finding better theories, but never one that can be improved upon. We do not yet have definite answer to this Question.


But we now have candidate fot the Ultimate Theory of Everything, if indeed one exists called "M-theory". M-Theory is the only Model we think the final theory ought to have. 

M-Theory is not a theory in the usual sense. It is a Whole Family of different Theories, each of which is a good description of Observations only in some range of "Physical Situations".


It's a bit like a Map, as well known, one cannot show the whole of Earth's surface on a single Map. The usual Mercator Projection used for Maps of the World makes areas appear Larger and Larger in the Far North and South and doesn't cover the North and South Poles.


To faithfully Map the entire Earth, one has to use a collection of Maps, each of which covers a limited Region. The Maps [Overlap] each other, and where they do, they show the same Landscape.


M-theory is similar. The different theories in the M-Theory family may look different, but they can all be regarded as the same aspects of the same underlying theory. They are versions of the Theory that are applicable only in Limited Ranges : for example, when certain Quantities of Energy are small. Like the overlapping Maps on the Mercator Projection, where the ranges of different Version Overlap, they predict the same Phenomena.


But just as there is no Flat Map that is a good representation of Earth's surface, there is no single Theory that is a good representation of all situations. M-theory predicts that a great many Universes were created out of Nothing. Their  Creation does not require the Intervention of some Supernatural Being or God. Rather these Multiple Universes arise naturally from Physical Law. They are a Prediction of Science.


Thus our Presence selects out from this vast array only those Universes that are compatible with our existence. Although we are puny and insignificant on the Scale of the Cosmos, this makes us in sense Lords of Creation.


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