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[1]  Mars the Fouth Planet from the Sun. The second smallest Planet in the Solar Sytem.

[3] NASA to find Alien life within 20 Years.

[5] Detecting Alien Life on Planets through industrial Pollution emmitted

into their atmosphere using High Tech


[7] Dangerous Near Earth Asteroids.

Monitoring and Tracking the known

Trajectory of Near Earth Asteroids.

[2] Mars Exploration Rover

In April 2004 Two Mobile Robots named Spirit and Opportunity successfully completed their primary Three-Month Mission on Opposite sides of Mars

[4] Galileo Mission to Jupiter

NASA Galileo Spacecraft continues to make discoveries about the giant planet Jupiter, it's Moons and the surrounding magnetic environment after more than five years in orit around Jupiter.


[6] Dawn Mission - A journey to the beginning of the Solarsystem. The Dawn Mission will journey back in time over 4.5 Billions years to unravel the Evolution of the Solarsystem.



[8] Model-Dependent Realism :-

The term "Model-Dependent Realism" was coined

by Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow in

their book - The Grand Design.



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