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Asteroid 2012 - DA14 Current Status [ 1st Nov 2015 ]

Status Update : 1st November 2015

The Distance in kms - Orbit cycle of Asteroid 2012 DA14 is :

8 Trillion, 143 Billion, 585 Million and 344 Thousand

Close contact with Earth 15th February 2013

It"s next cycle of Close Contact with Planet Earth is 15th February 2046.


Velocity Update Review.

Calculated Velocity Per Second = (7.82 Kiliometres Per Second)

Calculated Velocity Per Minute = (7.82 Multiply by 60 ) = (469.2 Km/Minute)

Calculated Velocity Per Hour = (469.2 Multiply by 60 ) = (28152 km/hour)

Formula Calculus [Hourly Velocity] = ((Seconds 7.82)*60)*60) = (28152 km/hr)


The Current Velocity of Asteroid 2012 DA14 equates to 28152 km/Hour.

Number of Years for the Asteroid to Complete [1] Orbit cycle is 33.02 Years


Number of Days Equated in the Cycle is [12053]

Number of Hours = Days [12053] Multiplied by 24hrs = [289272] Hrs


Travelling at a Velocity of 28152 km/Hr Multiplied by [289272] hrs Equates to

[8,143,585,344 kms] Travelled.


Current Status of Asteroid 2014 DA14 - 1st November 2015

Number of Days since Contact with Planet Earth equates to [989]

Number of Kms Travelled = [Constant Velocity Per Hour] Multiplied by [Hours] .


Therefore [989] days multiplied by 24hr = [23736]hrs

Calculating the Distance Travelled = [Constant Velocity] Multiplied by [Current Hrs].


Therefore Constant Velocity/Hr [28152]kms Multiply by [23736] hrs = [668,215,872] kms


668 Billion, 215 Million and 872 Thousand Kilometres Travelled since

leaving Planet Earth on February 15th 2013.


Percentage of Orbit Completed = [668215872/8143585344] Multiplied by 100% = 8.21%




Speed of Light per Second = [299792.458] km/h

Hourly Rate = ((299792.458 * 60) *60) = [ 1,079,252,849] km/h


The Speed of Light Travels at an Hourly Rate of :

[1 Trillion, 79 Billion, 252 Million, 849 thousand Kilometres/Hour]


Time Taken Travelling at the Speed of Light per Hour to traverse the same Orbit distance of 2012 DA14.

Equation = [Orbit Distance kms] divided by [Speed of Light kms/Hour].


Time to Complete [1] Orbit in [Light Speed] = Orbit Distance / Light Speed 

[ (Orbit Distance = 8143585344) / (Light Speed) = 1079252849] = 7.55 Hours.


To Traverse the Orbit distance of 2012 DA14 at Light Speed Velocity would only Take [7.55 Hours]


The Borne identity of Human Civilization of Planet Earth is also a  Genealogical Cycle of all Species that have

evolved through the Process of Asteroid Activity that cycles throughout our Solarsystem.


Earth's current Phase of Species Habitation is also a Phase of Mass Species Extinction on Planet Earth.

Being Complacent with Species Extinction and Asteroid Activity may only reciprocate a Scenario of 

Ultimate Extinction . Humanity's understanding of the Solarsystem will have a Cataclysmic effect on how

Humans can navigate through the Cycle of Near Earth Asteroids.




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