MOTOBATT Quadflex Battery
Part Number MBTX14AU
Purchased : Monday 30th May 2016
When operating the Motorcycle on a daily basis. I generally Trickle Charge the Battery when the Machine is parked in the Shed.
This ensures maximum efficiency of the Battery by keeping it fully charged at all times and seriously extends the life of the Battery.
This Quad Flex Battery is the Finest AGM 4 Terminal Power Sport Battery you can buy.
This 4 Post design provides Versatility, Increases Strength and Durability, 20% more Cranking Power than competitive Batteries.
AGM Design means it is completely Sealed, Leak Proof, Spill Proof, and Vibration Resistant.
This Technology uses highly porous Microfibre Separators, which completely absorb and Trap the Electrolyte.
No more damage Chrome or Paint from leaking Batteries. No more Acid Spills when you try to fill a dry Charged Battery, not to mention what do you do with the Left over Acid. 100% Recyclable.