CX500 Maintenance Service
CX500 Rear Tyre Replaced.

Bridgestone Battlax BT45 High Performance Tires
The Bridgestone Battlax BT45 tires are designed for older sport bikes and mid-size sport touring bikes. These tires feature all-round street performance, with the emphasis on riding comfort, long mileage and wet performance.
High performance bias-ply
Silica compound for improved wet and dry grip
Rear tire is equipped with dual tread compound for longer life and better traction when cornering
Tubeless Tyre

CX500 Radiator Cooling System.
The Pressurised Cooling System consists of the Radiator, Water Pump, Thermostat, Cam Shaft Driven Fan (Running at one half the Engine Speed), and Coolant Recovery Tank.
The System uses a 11-15 psi (0.75-1.05 kg.cm2) Radiator Filler Cap and is designed to operate with a 180F (82 C) Thermostat, located on the top of the Cylinder Block just behind the Fan.
It is important that the Coolant Level be kept to the FULL Mark on the Coolant Recovery Tank.
Drain and Flush the Cooling System with Fresh Water every 33600 km or every 2 years, which ever comes first.
Refill with a 50/50 mixture of a high quality Ethylene Glycol Antifreeze or an already Pre-Diluted Mixture.
Do not operate with Fresh Water only (even in Climates where Anti-Feeze is not required). The is important because the CX500 Engine is all Aluminium : It will not Rust but it will Oxidise and have to be replaced.

MOTOBATT Quadflex Battery
Part Number MBTX14AU
Purchased : Monday 30th May 2016
When operating the Motorcycle on a daily basis. I generally Trickle Charge the Battery when the Machine is parked in the Shed.
This ensures maximum efficiency of the Battery by keeping it fully charged at all times and seriously extends the life of the Battery.
This Quad Flex Battery is the Finest AGM 4 Terminal Power Sport Battery you can buy.
This 4 Post design provides Versatility, Increases Strength and Durability, 20% more Cranking Power than competitive Batteries.
AGM Design means it is completely Sealed, Leak Proof, Spill Proof, and Vibration Resistant.
This Technology uses highly porous Microfibre Separators, which completely absorb and Trap the Electrolyte.
No more damage Chrome or Paint from leaking Batteries. No more Acid Spills when you try to fill a dry Charged Battery, not to mention what do you do with the Left over Acid. 100% Recyclable.

Date Friday : 12th January 2018
Odometer Reading 20,743.00 km
Replace Rear Left Blinker Bulb.
Taken out Blown Blinker Bulb and
sprayed WD40 on the contact areas
within the Blinker Assembly to ellimate Water retardation and aid Electrical Contact. Blinker Bulb system working at peak efficiency.
At Pre-Start Ride, always check
Mechanical and Electrical Components to ensure safe riding
procedures to reduce risk of accidents.

Date Sunday : 21st January 2018
Odometer Reading 20,840.00 km
Generally Check Valve Clearances every 6 monthly Intervals.
Valve Clearance Adjustments must be made with the Engine Cold.
The Intake Valve Clearance is
(0.08 mm)
The Exhaust Valve Clearance is :
(0.10 mm)
When setting the Clearance at the correct adjustment, turn the adjuster screw until there is a slight drag on the Feeler Gauge when inserted. Then tighten the Lock Nut to lock the Clearance into position.
Recheck the Clearance with the Feeler Gauge to make sure the Adjuster Screw did not turn after the correct Clearance was achieved.
At Cold start operations, avoid high Engine revving until engine has reached it's operating temperature.
This can quickly deteriorate the Valve Clearance settings if the Engine hasn't reached it's operating Temperature.



CX500 Centre Stand
Fulcrum Lever Breakage.

Date Tuesday : 27th March 2018
Odometer Reading 21,570.00 km
After 37 years of service, the Centre Stand on the CX came adrift at the Level Fulcrum Heel. Recent Rain & Soggy ground over extended it's Fulcrum ability cause Metal Fatigue and eventual Breakage.
When using the Centre Stand, as I do regularly, make sure that it is used on a Solid Surface. Uneven of Soggy Surfaces can over extend the Fulcrum Lever Ability causing Metal Fatigue & Breakages.
If Parking on surfaces that are unavoidable use the Side Stand.
Remember : Identifying Surface Terrain will always be an Integral Part of Motorcycle Safety.

CX500 Centre Stand

Note : Genuine Air Filter Element creates an Air Tight Seal when fitted into the AirBox. Maintaining Constant Carburetor Performance and Fuel efficiency.

CX500 Carburetor Maintenance.
The CX500 34mm Vacuum Carburetor System was specifically designed to operation on Leaded Fuel. With Current Exhaust Emissions now in force all Combustion Engines now run on Unleaded Fuel.
Unlike Leaded Fuel, Unleaded Fuel when evaporated leaves an oily residue on all surfaces. When Unleaded Fuel is left the CX500 Carburetor System for a lengthy period of time, the fuel slowly evaporates leaving an oily residue on all surfaces including the Small and Large Jets and also the Piloting Orifices .
This oily residue can have a Major Impact on the operating efficiency of the Carburetor System. The only alternative to clean the Carburetor system of oily residue from Unleaded Fuel is to completely overhaul the Carburetor System.
But to avoid this expensive and time consuming Maintenance, early intermittent Maintenance is the Key.
If the Motorcycle is to be left standing for long periods of time. Simply drain the fuel from the Carburetor Bowls, then disconnect the fuel line from the Fuel Petcock and gently blow air through the Fuel Lines to disperse any fuel left inside the Carburetor System.
This procedure can also be done on a weekly Basis, to ensure maximum Carburetor Performance if the Machine is left standing idle on Weekends.
But it is advisable to perform this procedure on a regular Basis to ensure maximum operating efficiency when using Unleaded Fuel in the Carburetor System.

CX500 Front Brake Master Cylinder Fluid.
Warning : Use Brake Fluid clearly marked DOT 3. Other Fluids may vaporise and cause Brake Failure. Always use the same BRAND NAME : Do not Intermix with other BRANDS as many are not COMPATIBLE.
DOT 3 is one of several designations of automotive brake fluid, denoting a particular mixture of chemicals imparting specified ranges of boiling point.
In the United States, all brake fluids must meet Standard No. 116; Motor vehicle brake fluids.
[1] Under this standard there are four Department of Transportation(DOT) minimal specifications for brake fluid.
They are DOT 3, DOT 4, DOT 5 and DOT 5.1.
DOT 3, like DOT 4 and DOT 5.1, is a polyethylene glycol-based fluid (contrasted with DOT 5, which is silicone-based).
Fluids such as DOT 3 are hygroscopic and will absorb water from the atmosphere. This degrades the fluid's performance, and if allowed to accumulate over a period of time, can drastically reduce its boiling point.

PENRITE Honda Racing Synthetic Oil.
MC4-ST 10W-40 (100% PAO ESTER)
MC4-ST 10W-40 is designed for use in most modern four stroke road & sports bikes, dirt & enduro bikes, ATV’s/Quad bikes and 4 stroke scooters that require a full synthetic engine oil. It is also equally suitable for use in transmissions with wet clutch systems where engine & gearbox oils are combined. It has optimum clutch slip prevention in these systems being compliant with JASO MA as is suitable for use where JASO MA1 and JASO MA2 is specified.
MC4-ST 10W-40 is a SHEAR FREE formulation that eliminates viscosity loss and maintains oil pressure during extreme engine operating conditions ensuring the ultimate in protection for your engine.

CX500 : Bigpond Hotspot Modem.
Connects up to 10 WI-FI Devices.
Press to access 4G HotSpot Website.
To maintain WI-FI Connectivity in the field while out and about the 4G Portable WI-FI HotSpot certainly lives up to its reputation in the field of connectivity. Achieving exceptional results in Download and Upload Speeds while using your Laptop or Tablet out in the field.
A Wi-Fi, portable modem like the 4G Advanced is one of the best ways to create a hotspot in your Location to keep friends and family connected to the Web on all occassions. Furthermore, it's also good way to stay online if you're a contractor and want an easy way to distribute an Internet connection to a laptop or tablet while on a worksite.
We managed to achieve a top download speed of over 40Mbps, though speeds generally hovered between 22Mbps and 31Mbps on most occasions. Upload speeds during testing peaked at around 15.8Mbps (higher than Telstra's quoted 10Mbps). Telstra's 4G network is pretty reliable and coverage is extensive.

6mm Motorcycle Fuel Line Filter

Date Saturday : 23rd June 2018
Odometer Reading 22,473.00 km
When fitting the New Clutch Cable. Make sure the alignment is correct when it is seated into the Lever Jacket. If alignment is not correct the Cable will rub against the Clutch Block Holder causing Fiction & will quickly fray reducing it's longevity.
Before fitting the Clutch Cable, apply a small amount of Engine Oil onto the inner cable while holding it vertically. Move the inner Cable up & down inside the Clutch Sleeve to work the oil down the inner Cable. This initial lubrication reduce any friction and prolongs life of the Clutch Cable.

Date Sunday : 16th September 2018
Odometer Reading 23,386.00 km
Exhaust and Power Box Clean & Maintenance Procedure.
Dismantle Exhausts and PowerBox Assembly every 6 to 12 Months Intervals. If machine is operated daily.
Preferably every 6 Months.
Clean Carbon from Fittings and Connections. Re-tighten Clamps and Fittings that are generally prone to Vibration. A well maintained Clean Exhaust System promotes better Fuel Consumption and Tuning.

CX - 37 Years old.
Better Servicing
Better Performance

Cleaner Fuel
Better Performance

CX Bikers Dog Tag A2802
Accident Information
My last Major Accident News occurred in Bundaberg 1999.

CX500 Centre Stand
Fulcrum Lever Breakage.

Date Tuesday : 2nd October 2018
Odometer Reading 23,600.40 km
Refitted the Original Centre Stand Level onto the Under Carriage of the CX Chasis.
As to keep the Machine as original as possible by having it Welded and repaired to it's original Condition.
Front CX500 Tyre Replaced

Last Update on CX Service Page.
Date Sunday : 20th October 2018
Time : 4.00 pm

CX - 37 Years old.
Better Servicing
Better Performance

Bridgestone Battlax BT45 High Performance Tires
The Bridgestone Battlax BT45 tires are designed for older sport bikes and mid-size sport touring bikes. These tires feature all-round street performance, with the emphasis on riding comfort, long mileage and wet performance.
High performance bias-ply
Silica compound for improved wet and dry grip
Rear tire is equipped with dual tread compound for longer life and better traction when cornering
Tubeless Tyre
Frame # PC01-2203426 ~
Engine # PC01E-2214306 ~

Fuel Filters replaced on the :
Wednesday : 22nd November 2017.
Odometer Reading : 20,990.00 km
Replace Filters at 6 Monthly Intervals.
When using Unleaded Fuel in the CX500 Carburetor System, I generally connect 2 Fuel Filter Elements in the Fuel Line configuration.
The Unleaded Fuel can become more quickly contaminated to Water Condensation than Leaded Fuel. Having 2 Fuel Filters in the Fuel Line Configuration certainly keeps the Fuel Super Clean at all Times.
It is also advisable when changing the Fuel Filters also replace the Fuel Line as well. The plastic Fuel Filter connections can become welded to the Rubber Fuel Line making them difficult to disconnect without damaging the Rubber Fuel Line.
An old Fuel Line can certainly cause problems caused by Loose Fittings and Connectors enabling the Fuel System to leak Air into the Fuel, causing Rough Idle and Operation especially at Cold Start Operations.
Having a Clean Fuel System Configuration makes Tuning & tweaking the Carburetor System more precise enabling better Fuel Consumption and Cleaner Fuel Combustion.