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Initial Runtime Procedure
Handles MyBase.Load
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Sub Routine - Handles MyBase.Load

Initial Date Formatting Parameters

Partridge Genealogy : Battle of Pinkie Cleugh 1547

Basic Examples

Battle of Pinkie Cleugh (Rough Wooing)

                      Commence Date Format      = 10 Sep 1547

                      Current Date Format           = 19 May 2019

                      Calculated Days since Battle = 172281

                      Calculated Years                 = 472

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Public Class Form1

    '## Initial Date to Current Date Formatting Calculus - RunTime Handles MyBase.Load ##

    Dim DateDifference As Double
CountTotalDays As Double
CalculateYears As Double

    Private Sub InitialRuntimeDate_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

        '## Initial Date Formatting Parameters (Pinkie Cleugh) ------------- ##
        Dim InitialDate As Date = #9/10/1547# '## Note mmddyy ##
        Dim LabelInitialDate As String = InitialDate.ToString("dd MMM yyyy")

        Label2.Text = LabelInitialDate
        '## ------------------------------------------------------------- ##


        '## Current Date Formatting Parameters --------------------------- ##
        Dim CurrentDate As Date = Date.Now()
LabelCurrentDate As String = CurrentDate.ToString("dd MM yyyy")

        Label1.Text = LabelCurrentDate
        '## ------------------------------------------------------------- ##


        '## Date Calculus and Formatting Parameters ---------------------- ##
        DateDifference = DateDiff(DateInterval.Day, InitialDate, CurrentDate)
CountTotalDays = Math.Abs(DateDifference * 1)
CalculateYears = (CountTotalDays / 365)

        Label3.Text = CalculateYears.ToString("n2")
Label4.Text = CountTotalDays

        '## ------------------------------------------------------------ ##

    End Sub

End Class

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