Shane Partridge
Visual Basic 2013
The Code
Visual Basic - An Event Driven Programming Language
Building the GUI-Based Programming Language
by Inserting Controls from the Tool Box.
1. Right Click on Graphics Template Image : Then Press Save Image as to Folder
- The Graphics Template Chart below corresponds to the Tool Box Controls
- Making Graphic User Interface [GUI] Easier to Build.
2. Copy Coding onto Forms VB for Program Execution.
3. In VB Design Mode : Drag Picture Box from Tool Box.
4. Set Picture Box Size Mode to Stretch Image.
In Forms Design Mode - Properties set Size to (1069,805)
In PictureBox Properties - Set Size to (1012,726)
5. Download Graphic Template Image below from allocated Folder into the Picture Box
6. Graphic Template below highlights the Positions of TextBox and Label Entries from Tool Box.
There are Two TextBoxes and three LabelBoxes for Entry.
7. Changing TextBox and LabelBox Configuration in Properties Windows.
TextBox Configuration
TextBox1 and TextBox2
Alter set Parameters to :
Name of TextBox1 = TxtInch_Millimetre
Name of TextBox2 = Millimetre_Inch
8. Alter Font Parameters on TextBoxes =
BackColor = Silver
San Serif = 20pt
ForColor = Blue
Text Align = Center
9. Alter Font Parameters on LabelBoxes =
LabelBox Configuration
Alter Set Parameters to :
Name of LabelBox1 = LblMillimetre_Inch
Name of LabelBox2 = LblInch_Millimetre
Name of LabelBox3 = LblErrorMessage
10. Alter Font Parameters on TextBoxes =
BackColor = Silver
San Serif = 20pt
ForColor = Blue
Text Align = Center
Positioning Template Graph
TextBox & LabelBox Graphic Locations
3 Buttons inserted into Graphic Display
Alter in Property Windows
Button1 : Text = Calculate
Name = Btn_Calculate
Button2 : Text = Clear
Name = Btn_Clear
Button3 : Text = Close
Name = Btn_Clear
Load Template Design into PictureBox
Use above template to Align Text, Buttons & LabelBoxes
Once Buttons are Inserted
In Form.VB Design Mode double Left Click on each Button
to add the Code associated with each Field.
In Form.VB Mode : [1] Press on Project at Menu Headings.
[2] Press the [Add Class] Module.
[3] Name Class Module - MyClassFindOriginal_PercentageValue
[4] Copy Code below into Class Module
Public Class MyMetric_ImperialConversion
'## ============Public Class Metric to Imperial Conversion============= ##
'## ============================ Public Class Functions ==========##
'## [1]Encapsulation - Self Contained Modules -------------------------------------##
'## [2]Inheritance - Structured Class to be passed by Hierarchy Inheritance -----------##
'## Inheritance lets you focus on adding unique application features.You don't -------##
'## have to keep reinventing the wheel by rewriting existing code repeatedly. --------##
'## [3]Polymorphism - Modules represent Real World Objects known as Classes-------##
'## =========Multiply_Formula Applications ======================== ##
'## Public Class Module MyClassMultiply_FormulaApplications ##
'## ------Contains a List of Formula Applications---------- ##
'## -- Class Modules can be used for Program Applications - ##
'## ====== Delcare Decimal Place Value============ ##
Dim DecimalPlace As String = "n2"
'## ==================================== ##
'## ============== [1] Millimetre = (0.0393700787) of an Inch =========== ##
Public Function Millimetre_InchFormula(ByVal Millimetre_Inch As Single)
Millimetre_InchFormula = (Millimetre_Inch * 0.0393700787).ToString(DecimalPlace)
End Function
'## ===================================================== ##
'## ============== [1] Inch = (25.4) Millimetres ===================== ##
Public Function Inch_MillimetreFormula(ByVal Inch_Millimetre As Single)
Inch_MillimetreFormula = (Inch_Millimetre * 25.4).ToString(DecimalPlace)
End Function
'## ===================================================== ##
End Class
Public Class Form111
Private Sub BtnCalculate_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles BtnCalculate.Click
'##=================Dimension Objects & Variables================##
'## ================Dimension Length Conversions as Object --------------##
Dim MyMillimetre_InchConversion As Object
Dim MyInch_MillimetreConversion As Object
'## =====================================================##
'## Length Conversion Objects = MyClassMillimetre_InchConversion =========== ##
MyMillimetre_InchConversion = New MyMetric_ImperialConversion()
MyInch_MillimetreConversion = New MyMetric_ImperialConversion()
'## ===================================================== ##
'## ========== Assign Label Error Format ==========================##
'## Reset Lbl_Answer.Text Forecolor to Blue ---------------------------------------##
LblInch_Millimetre.ForeColor = Color.Blue
LblMillimetre_Inch.ForeColor = Color.Blue
'## ======================================================##
'##============== Assign Error HANDLING ========##
'## Try... Catch... End Try... Structure ------------------------##
'## Error Handling Routine --------------------------------##
'## ==============Dimension Variables as Single Precision ===========##
Dim Millimetre_Inch As Single
Dim Inch_Millimetre As Single
'##============= Assign Numeric TextBox Values =================##
'## ------------ Arithmetic Format Forms ------------------------------------##
'## Assign Numeric Values to Variables ----------------------------------------##
Millimetre_Inch = TxtMillimetre_Inch.Text
Inch_Millimetre = TxtInch_Millimetre.Text
'## ===================================================##
'## ============Assign Value to Label.Text Length Conversion Calculus ============##
LblMillimetre_Inch.Text = (MyMillimetre_InchConversion.Millimetre_InchFormula(Millimetre_Inch))
LblInch_Millimetre.Text = (MyInch_MillimetreConversion.Inch_MillimetreFormula(Inch_Millimetre))
'##============Catch Non_Numeric Exception============================##
'## ------Try... Catch... End Try... Structure Non_NumericInput As Exception--------------------##
Catch Non_NumericInput As Exception
'##===========Program Flow SubRoutine [1] Error Handling=====================##
'## Catch Non Numeric Input as Error ------------------------------------------------------##
'##====== End Try [Error Handling] ======================================##
End Try
End Sub
'## =================== Error Handling Subroutine =========##
'## --------------------Sub[1] ---------------------------------------##
'## --------------Error Handling Message Routine ---------------------##
Sub NonNumericInput()
LblErrorMessage.Visible =True
LblErrorMessage.ForeColor = Color.Red
LblInch_Millimetre.ForeColor = Color.Red
LblMillimetre_Inch.ForeColor = Color.Red
LblInch_Millimetre.Text = "Error Non Numeric"
LblMillimetre_Inch.Text = "Error Non Numeric"
LblErrorMessage.Text = "One or Two Entries were Non-Numeric?"
End Sub
Private Sub BtnClear_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles BtnClear.Click
'## ============= Clear Text & Label Boxes ==================##
'## ----- Clear Text and Label Boxes for Re-Evaluation ---------------------##
TxtMillimetre_Inch.Text = ""
TxtInch_Millimetre.Text = ""
LblMillimetre_Inch.Text = ""
LblInch_Millimetre.Text = ""
End Sub
Private Sub BtnIndex_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles BtnIndex.Click
'## ====== Revert to Index Form 105 ========================= ##
'## ================================================ ##
End Sub
Private Sub Form111_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'## ========Clear Labels at Initial Startup Procedure================ ##
LblMillimetre_Inch.Text = ""
LblInch_Millimetre.Text = ""
LblErrorMessage.Visible = False
'## ================================================= ##
End Sub
End Class