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 Public Class MyClass1



    '## Public Class MyClass1 ##

    '## Encapsulation ##
    '## Encapsulation refers to the creation of self-contained modules that bind processing functions to the data.      ##
    '## These user-defined data types are called classes. Each class contains data as well as a set of methods             ## 
    '## which manipulate the data.The data components of a class are called instance variables and one instance of a  ## 
    '## class is an object. For example, in a library system, a class could be a member, and John and Sharon                 ## 
    '## could be two instances (two objects) of the library class.                                                                             ##

    '## Inheritance ##
    '## Classes are created according to hierarchies, and inheritance allows the structure and methods                    ## 
    '## in one class to be passed down the hierarchy.That means less programming is required when adding           ## 
    '## functions to complex systems. If a step is added at the bottom of a hierarchy, then only the                       ## 
    '## processing and data associated with that unique step needs to be added.                                                 ## 
    '## Everything else about that step is inherited.                                                                                          ##

    '## Polymorphism ##
    '## -oriented programming allows procedures about objects to be created whose exact type                             ## 
    '## is not known until runtime. For example, a screen cursor may change its shape from an                              ##
    '## arrow to a line depending on the program mode. The routine to move the cursor on the screen                   ##
    '## in response to mouse movement would be written for “cursor,” and polymorphism allows that cursor           ##
    '## to take on whatever shape is required at runtime.It also allows new shapes to be easily                              ##
    '## integrated.Visual Basic 2013 allows users to write programs that break down into modules.                         ##
    '## These modules represent the real-world objects and are knows as classes or types.##
    '## An object can be created out of a class and it is known as an instance of the class.                                     ##
    '## A class can also comprise subclass. For example, the apple tree is a subclass of the                                     ##
    '## plant class and the apple in your backyard is an instance of the apple tree class.                                         ##
    '## Another example is student class is a subclass of the human class while your son John                                ##
    '## is an instance of the student class.                                                                                                        ##   

    '## Hypotenuse Encapsulation                                                              ##
    '## Hypotenuse Formula                                                                      ##
    '## Public Class MyClass1 - Hypotenuse Functional Inheritance                  ##
    '## (Public Class MyClass1) to (Form1.vb Public Class Form1)                       ##

    Public Function Hypotenuse(ByVal Side1 As Integer, ByVal Side2 As Integer)
        Hypotenuse = Format((
Side1 ^ 2) + (Side2 ^ 2))
    End Function

End Class

   '## Public Class Form1 Encapsulation & Inheritance of Public Class Myclass1 ##

Public Class Form1


    Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
        Dim MyObject As Object
Side1, Side2 As Integer

        Dim SquareRoot as interger

        SquareRoot = 0.5

   '## MyObject Inheritance ##

   '## Calculate Hypotenuse ##

        MyObject = New MyClass1()
Side1 = InputBox("Enter Side1 Length")
Side2 = InputBox("Enter Side2 Length")
Side1, Side2) ^ SquareRoot)

    End Sub
End Class


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