Shane Partridge
Visual Basic 2013
The Code
Public Class MyClassBodyMassIndex
'## Object Orientated Programming [MyClassBodyMassIndex]------------------##
'## Inheritance : Inherited Program Structure to Public Class Form98-----------##
'## Polymorphism : SubClass Structure = Weight & Height Instance of Class ----##
Public Function BMI(ByVal height As Single, ByVal weight As Single)
BMI = Format((weight) / (height ^ 2), "0.00")
End Function
End Class
Public Class Form98
Private Sub BMICalculateBtn_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles BMICalculateBtn.Click
'## Dimension MyHypotenuse as Object of MyClassHypotenuse.vb ##
Dim MyBodyMassIndex As Object
'## Dimension Side Variables as Numeric Integer---------------##
Dim Height, Weight As Single
'## Declare Lbl_ErrMsg as Invisible --------------------------##
LblErrorMessage.Visible = False
'## Reset Lbl_Answer.Text Forecolor to Blue ------------------##
LblBMIScore.ForeColor = Color.Blue
'## Try... Catch... End Try... Stucture ----------------------##
'## Error Handling Routine -----------------------------------##
'## MyHypotenuse Inheritance of MyClassHypotenuse --------##
'## Calculate Hypotenuse ---------------------------------##
MyBodyMassIndex = New MyClassBodyMassIndex()
Height = TxtBMIHeight.Text
Weight = TxtBMIWeight.Text
LblBMIScore.Text = ((MyBodyMassIndex.BMI(Height, Weight)))
Catch Non_Numeric As Exception
'## Subroutine[1] NonNumeric() ------------------------##
'## Catch Non Numeric Input as Error ------------------##
End Try
End Sub
'## Sub[1] ---------------------------------------------------##
'## Error Handling Message Routine ---------------------------##
Sub NonNumeric()
LblBMIScore.ForeColor = Color.Red
LblBMIScore.Text = "Error"
'## Declare Lbl_ErrMsg as Visible ------------------------##
LblErrorMessage.Visible = True
LblErrorMessage.ForeColor = Color.Red
LblErrorMessage.Text = " One of the entries is not a number! Try again!"
End Sub
Private Sub ClearBtn_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ClearBtn.Click
'## Text.Boxes and Text.Lables -----------------------------##
TxtBMIHeight.Text = ""
TxtBMIWeight.Text = ""
LblBMIScore.Text = ""
LblErrorMessage.Text = ""
End Sub
Private Sub Form98_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'## Declare Visible = False as Null String[""]------------- ##
'## Label.Text Boxes in Form.vb Design = Invisible ---------##
LblBMIScore.Text = ""
LblErrorMessage.Text = ""
End Sub
Private Sub IndexBtn_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles IndexBtn.Click
'## IndexBtn back to Index Menu -----------------------------##
End Sub
End Class