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Date Calculus

Public Class MyClassDateInterval_DayConversion

    '## ===== Public Class Functions =============================##
    '## [1]Encapsulation - Self Contained Modules -------------------------------##
    '## [2]Inheritance - Structured Class to be passed by Hierarchy Inheritance -----##
    '## Inheritance lets you focus on adding unique application features.You don't --##
    '## have to keep reinventing the wheel by rewriting existing code repeatedly. ---##

    '## [3]Polymorphism - Modules represent Real World Objects known as Classes--##

    '## =========Multiply_Formula Applications ==================== ##
    '## ------  Public Class Module MyClassMultiply_FormulaApplications --------- ##
    '## ------- Contains a List of Formula Applications-------------------------- ##
    '## ------- Class Modules can be used for Program Applications -------------- ##


    '## Date Interval Conversion (Assign ByVal Variable as Date) ----------------------------------- ##

    Public Function DateInterval_DayConversion(ByVal CalculateFirstDate As Date, ByVal CalculateSecondDate As Date)

        DateInterval_DayConversion = DateDiff(DateInterval.Day, CalculateFirstDate, CalculateSecondDate)

    End Function

End Class

Public Class Form112

    '## ============ Sub Routine Configuration ======================== ##
    '## --------- Declare Variables as Public Class -------------------------------------- ##


    '## ======== Declare First Date Variables ============================ ##
    '## ======== String(Date) to Cdate(Numeric Calculus) ==================== ##
    '## CalculateFirstDate as Cdate(FirstDate) ============================== ##

    Dim FirstDate As String
CalculateFirstDate As Date
'## ======================================================= ##


    '## ======== Declare Second Date Variables =========================== ##
    '## ======== String(Date) to Cdate(Numeric Calculus) ===================== ##
    '## CalculateSecondDate as Cdate(SecondDate) =========================== ##

    Dim SecondDate As String
CalculateSecondDate As Date
'## ======================================================== ##



    '## ======= Declare Variables as Numeric Configuration ===================== ##
    '## === (DTD = Date Total Days) ------------------------------------------------------ ##

    Dim DTD As Integer

    '## === CountDays = Math.Abs(DTD * 1) ----------------------------------------------- ##
    Dim CountDays As Integer

    '## === TotalYears = (CountDays / 365) ----------------------------------------------- ##
    Dim TotalYears As Single
'## ========================================================= ##


    '## =========== Decimal Place Configuration ============================ ##
    '## ------- TotalYears = (CountDays / 365) (Decimal Value) = =====================##
    '## ====== TotalYears.ToString(DecimalPlace) =============== ===============##

    Dim DecimalPlace As String = "n2"
'## ========================================================== ##


    '## ========== Object Orientated Programming =========================== ##
    '## ========== Declare Class Object =================================== ##
    '## MyCalculus_DateTime = New MyClassDateInterval_DayConversion ##

    Dim MyCalculus_DateTime As Object
'## =========================================================== ##




    Private Sub BtnCalculateDateDiff_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles BtnCalculateDateDiff.Click

        '## Private Sub BtnCalculateDateDiff_Click ##
        '## Consists of Three Subroutines ========================================== ##

        '## Sub Rountine(1) ------ ##
        '## Input Date for Calculus ##



        '## Sub Routine(2) --------- ##
        '## Calculate Days Difference ##



        '## Sub Rountine(3) ------- ##
        '## Assign Values to Labels  ##



    End Sub

    ' ## Sub(1) ================================ ##
    ' ## Assign Values to Variables for Calculus ---------------   ##

    Sub InputDateValue()

        FirstDate = TxtFirstDate.Text
        CalculateFirstDate = CDate(FirstDate)

        SecondDate = TxtSecondDate.Text
        CalculateSecondDate = CDate(SecondDate)
' ## ==================================== ##

    End Sub


    ' ## Sub(2) ##
    ' ## Object Orientated Programming ======================================= ##
    ' ## Calculate Day Differences as Numeric Value ================================ ##
    ' ## Math.Abs(Value) = (+/-) Date Input ===================================== ##

    Sub InputCalculateDays()

        MyCalculus_DateTime = New MyClassDateInterval_DayConversion
        DTD = (MyCalculus_DateTime.DateInterval_DayConversion(CalculateFirstDate, CalculateSecondDate))
CountDays = Math.Abs(DTD * 1)
TotalYears = (CountDays / 365)
'## =========================================================== ##

    End Sub


    ' ## Sub(3) ##
    ' ## Assign Valuea to Label.Box Graphic Display ============== ##

    Sub InputAssigntoLabels()
'## CountDays Format = "Standard" (ie - 172,456.00) ========= ##
        '## CountDays Declared as Integer Value ================= ##

        LblDaysCalculated.Text = Format(CountDays, "Standard")
LblYearsCalculated.Text = TotalYears.ToString(DecimalPlace)
' ## ======================================== ##

    End Sub

    Private Sub Index105Btn_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Index105Btn.Click

        '## ====== Revert to Index Form 105 ============================= ##
'## ==================================================== ##

    End Sub

    Private Sub BtnClear_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles BtnClear.Click


        '## Clear Label & TextBox Content ##

        LblDaysCalculated.Text = ""
LblYearsCalculated.Text = ""
TxtFirstDate.Text = ""
TxtSecondDate.Text = ""

        '## ===================- ##

    End Sub


End Class

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