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Earth's Radius = 6,371 km
Earth's Volume = (Cubic km) = km^3
1      Trillion
83     Billion
642    Million
907    Thousand
17.52   Km^3

Public Class MyClassMultiply_FormulaApplications

    '## [1]Encapsulation - Self Contained Modules ------------------------------------##
    '## [2]Inheritance - Structured Class to be passed by Hierarchy Inheritance ---------##

    '## Inheritance lets you focus on adding unique application features.You don't -----##
    '## have to keep reinventing the wheel by rewriting existing code repeatedly. -----##

    '## [3]Polymorphism - Modules represent Real World Objects known as Classes-##

    '## =========Multiply_Formula Applications ==================== ##

    '## Public Class Module MyClassMultiply_FormulaApplications ##
    '## ------Contains a List of Formula Applications----------- ##
    '## -- Class Modules can be used for Program Applications -- ## 


    '## =====   =Decimal Place Precision [2] ============ ##

    Dim DecimalPlace as string = "n2"

    '## ===================================== ##

    '## ============== Area of Square Formula ======= ##
    '## -------- Area of Square = 6 x (Side^2) ----------------- ##

    '## ------- Using [ToString(DecimalPlace)] ----------------- ##

    '## ------ Dimension Side as Single Precision -------------- ##

    Public Function AreaSquare_Formula(ByVal Side as Single)
AreaSquare_Formula = (6 * (Side ^ 2)).ToString(DecimalPlace)
    End Function
'## ===================================== ##

    '## ============== Volume of Sphere ====================== ##
    '## ------- Volume of Sphere = ((4/3) * (PI) * (Radius ^3 )) ------------------ ##

    '## ------- Value of [PI] = 3.14 or [22/7] ------------------------------------##

    Public Function SphereVolume_Formula(ByVal Radius as Single)
SphereVolume_Formula = ((4 / 3) * (22 / 7) * (Radius ^ 3)).ToString(DecimalPlace)
    End Function
'## ================================================= ##

    '## ============= Surface Area of Sphere ================ ##
    '## --------- Surface Area = ((4) * (PI) * (Radius ^ 2)) ----------------- ##

    '## ------- Value of [PI] = 3.14 or [22/7] ------------------------------ ##

    Public Function SurfaceAreaSphere_Formula(ByVal Radius as Single)
SurfaceAreaSphere_Formula = ((4) * (22 / 7) * (Radius ^ 2)).ToString(DecimalPlace)
    End Function
'## ============================================= ##

End Class

Public Class Form109

    Private Sub CalculateBtn_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles CalculateBtn.Click


        '## =========== Dimension Objects and Variables ===================##
        '## ==== Dimension Square Formula as Object ========================##

        Dim MySphereVolume_Formula As Object
'## =====================================================##


        '## MySphereVolume_Formula = MyClassMultiply_FormulaApplications ##
        MySphereVolume_Formula = New MyClassMultiply_FormulaApplications()
        '## =====================================================##

           '## ========== Assign Label Error Format ======================##
        '## Reset Lbl_Answer.Text Forecolor to Blue ---------------------------------##

        LblVolumeofSphere.ForeColor = Color.Blue
'## =================================================##





        '## ========== Assign Label Error Format =====================##
        '## Declare Lbl_ErrMsg as Invisible -----------------------------------------##

        LblErrorMessage.Visible = False
'## =================================================##

        '##============== Assign Error HANDLING ===================##
        '## Try... Catch... End Try... Structure ----------------------------------------##
        '## Error Handling Routine ------------------------------------------------##



        '## ========= Dimension Side as Single ===========================##
        Dim Radius As Single
'#  -----Assign Variable to TextBox Input ------------------------------------------#
        Radius = TxtRadiusofSphere.Text


        '## ===== Assign Value to Label.Text for Area Calculus =================== ##
        LblVolumeofSphere.Text = (MySphereVolume_Formula.SphereVolume_Formula(Radius))
'## ==================================================== ##

               '##============Catch Non_Numeric Exception==================## 
            '## ------Try... Catch... End Try... Structure Non_NumericInput As Exception---##

        Catch Non_NumericInput As Exception




            '##===========Program Flow SubRoutine [1] Error Handling=========##
            '## Catch Non Numeric Input as Error -------------------------------------##






            '##======================== End Try [Error Handling] ========##
        End Try


    End Sub

    '## =================== Error Handling Subroutine =========##
    '## Sub[1] -----------------------------------------------------------##
    '## Error Handling Message Routine -----------------------------------##

    Sub NonNumericInput()
LblErrorMessage.Visible = True
LblErrorMessage.ForeColor = Color.Red
        LblErrorMessage.Text = "One of the entries is not a number! Try again!"
        LblVolumeofSphere.ForeColor = Color.Red
        LblVolumeofSphere.Text = "Error"
'## ===========================================##

   End Sub





    Private Sub ClearBtn_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ClearBtn.Click

        '## ============= Clear Text & Label Boxes ===============##
        '## Clear Text and Label Boxes for Re-Evaluation ----------------------##

        TxtRadiusofSphere.Text = ""
LblVolumeofSphere.Text = ""
LblErrorMessage.Text = ""

    End Sub

    Private Sub Form109_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load



        '## ============= Initial Startup at Form109 ================ ##

        '## -----Clear Label & Text Box used in Design Mode Configuration-------- ##
        LblVolumeofSphere.Text = ""
LblErrorMessage.Text = ""

        '## ===============================================##



    End Sub

    Private Sub Index105Btn_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Index105Btn.Click


        '## ========= Transfer Control back to Form105 Menu =================## 
'## ====================================================##


    End Sub

End Class

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