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Public Class Form90

    '## Radio.Checked Activation ##

    '## Subroutine Configuration - Count Radio.Checked ##

    '## Public Dimension Variables ##
    '## For Subroutine Formating ##

    Dim TSize, TColor As String

    Dim RadioXLCount As Single
RadioLCount As Single
RadioMCount As Single
RadioSCount As Single

    Dim RadioRedCount As Single
RadioBlueCount As Single
RadioBeigeCount As Single
RadioGreenCount As Single

    Dim TotalRadioCount As Single
    Private Sub BtnConform_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

        If RadioXL.Checked Then
TSize = "XL"
'## Subrountine [1] ##
            '## Count Activation XL ##


        ElseIf RadioL.Checked Then
TSize = "Large"
'## Subrountine [2] ##
            '## Count Activation Large ##


        ElseIf RadioM.Checked Then
TSize = "Medium"
'## Subrountine [3]
            '## Count Activation Medium ##


        Else : TSize = "Small"
'## Subrountine [4] ##
            '## Count Activation Small ##


        End If

        If RadioRed.Checked Then
TColor = "Red"
            Lblcolor.ForeColor = Color.Red
'## Subrountine [5] ##
            '## Count Activation Red ##


        ElseIf RadioBlue.Checked Then
TColor = "Blue"
            Lblcolor.ForeColor = Color.Blue
'## Subrountine [6] ##
            '## Count Activation Blue ##


        ElseIf RadioBeige.Checked Then
TColor = "Beige"
            Lblcolor.ForeColor = Color.Beige
'## Subroutine [7] ##
            '## Count Activation Beige ##


        Else : TColor = "Green"
            Lblcolor.ForeColor = Color.Green
'## Subrountine [8] ##
            '## Count Activation Green ##


        End If

        LblSize.Text = TSize
        Lblcolor.Text = TColor

        '## Subrountine [9] ##
        '## Accumulative Radio Count ##


    End Sub

    '## Sub[1] ##
    Sub RadioCountXL()
RadioXLCount = RadioXLCount + 1
LbXLCount.Text = RadioXLCount

    End Sub

    '## Sub[2] ##
    Sub RadioCountLarge()
RadioLCount = RadioLCount + 1
LbLCount.Text = RadioLCount
    End Sub

    '## Sub[3] ##
    Sub RadioCountMedium()
RadioMCount = RadioMCount + 1
LbMCount.Text = RadioMCount
    End Sub

    '## Sub[4] ##
    Sub RadioCountSmall()
RadioSCount = RadioSCount + 1
LbSCount.Text = RadioSCount
    End Sub

    '## Sub[5] ##
    Sub RadioCountRed()
RadioRedCount = RadioRedCount + 1
LbRed.Text = RadioRedCount
    End Sub

    '## Sub[6] ##
    Sub RadioCountBlue()
RadioBlueCount = RadioBlueCount + 1
LbBlue.Text = RadioBlueCount
    End Sub

    '## Sub[7] ##
    Sub RadioCountBeige()
RadioBeigeCount = RadioBeigeCount + 1
LbBeige.Text = RadioBeigeCount
    End Sub

    '## Sub[8] ##
    Sub RadioCountGreen()
RadioGreenCount = RadioGreenCount + 1
LbGreen.Text = RadioGreenCount
    End Sub

    '## Sub[9] ##
    Sub TotalCountRadio()
TotalRadioCount = TotalRadioCount + 1
LbTotalRadioCount.Text = TotalRadioCount
    End Sub


    Private Sub Button2Clear_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click

        '## Clear Radio.Checked to False ##
        RadioXL.Checked = False
RadioL.Checked = False
RadioM.Checked = False

        RadioRed.Checked = False
RadioBlue.Checked = False
RadioBeige.Checked = False

        '## Clear String Variables to Null String ##
        LbXLCount.Text = ""
LbLCount.Text = ""
LbMCount.Text = ""
LbSCount.Text = ""
LbRed.Text = ""
LbBlue.Text = ""
LbBeige.Text = ""
LbGreen.Text = ""
LbTotalRadioCount.Text = ""
LblSize.Text = ""
Lblcolor.Text = ""

        '## Clear Numeric Variables to Zero ##
        RadioXLCount = 0
RadioLCount = 0
RadioMCount = 0
RadioSCount = 0
RadioRedCount = 0
RadioBlueCount = 0
RadioBeigeCount = 0
RadioGreenCount = 0
TotalRadioCount = 0

    End Sub

    Private Sub Button3Close_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click

        '## Close Program ##



    End Sub

End Class




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