Shane Partridge
Visual Basic 2013
The Code
Public Class MyClassMultiply_FormulaApplications
'## [1]Encapsulation - Self Contained Modules -------------------------------##
'## [2]Inheritance - Structured Class to be passed by Hierarchy Inheritance -----##
'## [3]Polymorphism - Modules represent Real World Objects known as Classes-##
'## =========Multiply_Formula Applications ==================== ##
'## Public Class Module MyClassMultiply_FormulaApplications ##
'## ------Contains a List of Formula Applications----------- ##
'## -- Class Modules can be used for Program Applications -- ##
'## ===== =Decimal Place Precision [2] ============ ##
Dim DecimalPlace as string = "n2"
'## ===================================== ##
'## ============== Area of Square Formula ======= ##
'## -------- Area of Square = 6 x (Side^2) ----------------- ##
Public Function AreaSquare_Formula(ByVal Side as Single)
AreaSquare_Formula = (6 * (Side ^ 2)).ToString(DecimalPlace)
End Function
'## ===================================== ##
'## ============== Volume of Sphere ====================== ##
'## ------- Volume of Sphere = ((4/3) * (PI) * (Radius ^3 )) ------------------ ##
'## ------- Value of [PI] = 3.14 or [22/7] ------------------------------------##
Public Function SphereVolume_Formula(ByVal Radius as Single)
SphereVolume_Formula = ((4 / 3) * (22 / 7) * (Radius ^ 3)).ToString(DecimalPlace)
End Function
'## ================================================= ##
'## ============= Area of Sphere ===================== ##
'## --------- Area = ((4) * (PI) * (Radius ^ 2)) ------------------------- ##
'## ------- Value of [PI] = 3.14 or [22/7] ------------------------------ ##
Public Function AreaSphere_Formula(ByVal Radius as Single)
AreaSphere_Formula = ((4) * (22 / 7) * (Radius ^ 2)).ToString(DecimalPlace)
End Function
'## ============================================= ##
End Class
Public Class Form108
Private Sub CalculateBtn_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles CalculateBtn.Click
'## =========== Dimension Objects and Variables =================== ##
'## ==== Dimension Square Formula as Object ================ =======##
Dim MyAreaSquare_Formula As Object
'## =================================================== ##
'## MyAreaSquare_Formula = MyClassMultiply_FormulaApplications ##
MyAreaSquare_Formula = New MyClassMultiply_FormulaApplications()
'## ====================================================##
'## ========== Assign Label Error Format =========================##
'## Reset Lbl_Answer.Text Forecolor to Blue -------------------------------------##
LblSurfaceArea.ForeColor = Color.Blue
'## =====================================================##
'##============== Assign Error HANDLING ========================##
'## Try... Catch... End Try... Structure -----------------------------------------------##
'## Error Handling Routine -------------------------------------------------------##
'## =============== Dimension Side as Single ================== ##
Dim Side As Single
'# ---------- Assign Variable to TextBox Input ---------------- ----------------#
Side = TxtLengthofSides.Text
'## ===================================================#
'## ===== Assign Value to Label.Text for Area Calculus ================ ##
LblSurfaceArea.Text = (MyAreaSquare_Formula.AreaSquare_Formula(Side))
'## =================================================== ##
'##====================Catch Non_Numeric Exception============##
'## ------Try... Catch... End Try... Structure Non_NumericInput As Exception--------##
Catch Non_NumericInput As Exception
'##=================Program Flow SubRoutine [1] Error Handling======##
'## Catch Non Numeric Input as Error ------------------------------------------##
'##======================== End Try [Error Handling] ============##
End Try
End Sub
'## =================== Error Handling Subroutine ===================##
'## Sub[1] -------------------------------------------------------------------------##
'## Error Handling Message Routine -------------------------------------------------##
Sub NonNumericInput()
LblSurfaceArea.ForeColor = Color.Red
LblSurfaceArea.Text = "Error"
'## ===================================================== ##
End sub
Private Sub ClearBtn_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ClearBtn.Click
'## ============= Clear Text & Label Boxes =======================##
'## Clear Text and Label Boxes for Re-Evaluation ---------------------------------##
LblSurfaceArea.Text = ""
TxtLengthofSides.Text = ""
End Sub
Private Sub Form108_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'## ====== Delete Label Box Names at Start up Procedure ================##
LblSurfaceArea.Text = ""
'## ====================================================##
End Sub
Private Sub IndexBtn_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles IndexBtn.Click
'## ========= Transfer Control back to Form105 Menu =================##
'## ====================================================##
End Sub
End Class