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 Public Class Form93

        Private Sub MathArgument_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

        '## Error Handling Routine  ------------------------------------##
        '## Declare Lbl_ErrMsg as [Visible = False] ----------------------##
        '## When Error is declared by [On Error Goto] ------------------- ##
        '## Control is diverted to [error_handler] Routine --------------- ##
        '## Lbl_ErrMsg is declared as [Visible = True] ------------------- ##
        '## Value of Lbl_ErrMsg.Text is then Visible ---------------------##

        '## If On Error Goto is not Declared -----------------------------##
        '## Then Lbl_ErrMsg is declared as [Visible = False] = Invisible. ----##

        '## Declaring Error Breach --------------------------------------##

        '## Declaring Variable Lbl_ErrMsg as Invisible --------------------##
        Lbl_ErrMsg.Visible = False

        '## Declare Variables as Double Precision Accuracy ----------------##
        Dim firstNum, secondNum As Double

        '## Variables FirstNum & SecondNum are Declared as Numeric -----##

        '## Error_handler will Trigger if Non-Numeric Values are Entered ---##

        On Error GoTo error_handler

        '## If Input from TxtNum1.Text or TxtNum2.Text ------------------##
        '## Contains Non-Numeric Value Then ---------------------------##
        '## [On Error Goto] error_handler will be triggered ----------------##

        firstNum = TxtNum1.Text
        secondNum = TxtNum2.Text
        Lbl_Answer.Text = firstNum / secondNum

        '## To prevent error handling even the inputs are valid---- ##

        Exit Sub  


'## Error Handler Routine ##


        '## Error Detected in Equation through Non-Numeric Input --------##
        Lbl_Answer.Text = "Error"

        '## Declaring Lbl_ErrMsg.Text as Visible --------------------------##
        Lbl_ErrMsg.Visible = True

        Lbl_ErrMsg.Text = " One or both of the entries is/are non-numeric! Try again!"

      End Sub

     Private Sub InitialClear_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

        '## Clear Variables at Initial Startup Procedure--------------------- ##

        Lbl_ErrMsg.Text = ""
Lbl_Answer.Text = ""

    End Sub

End Class



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