Shane Partridge
Visual Basic 2013
Random Mathematics
1. Right Click on Graphics Image : Then Press Save Image as to Folder
2. Copy Coding onto Forms VB for Program Execution.
3. In VB Design Mode : Drag Picture Box from Tool Box.
4. Set Picture Box Size Mode to Stretch Image.
5. Download Graphic Image below from allocated Folder.
In Private Sub Button_4 if only 1 Form is being used.
Terminate Form49.Show()
Then add End ' To Terminate Program.
Follow and Insert the TextBox, LabelBox and Button Controls from ToolBox
and allocate them on the Graphics.
The Program select a Random Limit Value for Arithmetic Calculus.
The Program uses the [Case, SelectCase] Criteria for Arithmetic Selection of
Mathematical Operators [+, -, x, /].
The Program correlates the No. of Correct & Incorrect Arguments that are Calculated
by the Answer that is entered in TextBox3.
Button1 initiates the Random Calculus.
Label1 - Displays the Random Argumentation and the Allocated Mathematical Operator
to be used for the computational Sum.
Button2 tests the entries that are entered in TextBox3.
Note - After each Test Press Button3 to Clear Variables
Then press Button1 to initiate next set of Random Arguments for Calculus
Public Class Form55
Dim Random, Entry1, Entry2, EntryVal, CaseSelect, Answer As Integer
Dim Correct, Incorrect, Cycle As Integer
Private Sub Button4_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button4.Click
End Sub
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Random = TextBox1.Text
Entry1 = (Random * Rnd() + 1)
Entry2 = (Random * Rnd() + 1)
CaseSelect = TextBox2.Text
Select Case CaseSelect 'Select Case : CaseSelect Variable
Case Is = 1 'Case Select = 1
EntryVal = (Entry1 + Entry2)
Label1.Text = Entry1 & " + " & Entry2
Case Is = 2 'Case Select = 2
EntryVal = (Entry1 - Entry2)
Label1.Text = Entry1 & " - " & Entry2
Case Is = 3 'Case Select = 3
EntryVal = (Entry1 * Entry2)
Label1.Text = Entry1 & " x " & Entry2
Case Is = 4 'Case Select = 4
EntryVal = (Entry1 / Entry2)
Label1.Text = Entry1 & " / " & Entry2
Case Else
Label1.Text = " Enter No. 1 to 4 "
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
Cycle = (Cycle + 1) : Label2.Text = Cycle
Answer = TextBox3.Text
If Answer = EntryVal Then
Correct = (Correct + 1) : Label3.Text = Correct
Else : Incorrect = (Incorrect + 1) : Label4.Text = Incorrect
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Button3_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
TextBox3.Text = ""
Label1.Text = ""
End Sub
End Class